Mortem et Gloriam Player Rankings
- 4Graham WillmottScore: 94
- 4Laurence DonohoeScore: 93
- 4Matt McVieghScore: 91
- 4Matt HaywoodScore: 86
- 4Stephen SteadScore: 84
- 4Nik GaukrogerScore: 83
- 4Paul CumminsScore: 80
- 4Paul StovellScore: 80
- 4Richard Jeffrey-CookScore: 79
- 4Ray DugginsScore: 77
- 4Peter EntwistleScore: 72
- 4Malcolm BarnfieldScore: 72
- 4Jacques WilputteScore: 71
- 4Martin SteenwegeScore: 70
- 4Robin SpenceScore: 68
- 4Ian NewellScore: 66
- 4Dave ParishScore: 65
- 4Adrian PitfieldScore: 58
- 4Roger PitfieldScore: 57
- 4Antoine HoekmanScore: 56
- 3Jean-Luc Van LooScore: 55
- 4Keith SpeddingScore: 55
- 4James HamiltonScore: 54
- 4Philip PowellScore: 53
- 3Philippe BertrandScore: 53
- 4Roger WhittamScore: 51
- 3Ioannis FasoulasScore: 51
- 4David GollopScore: 50
- 4Will DenhamScore: 49
- 4Peter CrossScore: 48
- 4Bernard BouchonScore: 48
- 4Wilgosz GillesScore: 46
- 2Pierre-Alexandre JouclaScore: 45
- 4Gareth EvansScore: 44
- 3Marcin MierzejewskiScore: 43
- 4Bruno MASSONScore: 39
- 3Graham KlakaScore: 34
- 2Dufour FredericScore: 32
- 3Serge AdelineScore: 32
- 2Simon HallScore: 32
- 3Denis MercierScore: 31
- 3Renaud CORDIERScore: 27
- 4Peter BettanyScore: 27
- 4Huub StegemanScore: 25
- 2Georgios PakosScore: 25
- 2Marek WyspianskiScore: 25
- 1Joucla OlivierScore: 25
- 2Kyprios KonstantinosScore: 25
- 4Ian CrosbyScore: 24
- 1Andy CatlowScore: 24
- 3Nigel PorterScore: 23
- 2Simon CooperScore: 23
- 2Ben AllenScore: 22
- 4Lawrence GreavesScore: 22
- 3Matthew PooleScore: 21
- 4Richard BaliszewskiScore: 21
- 2Tommy WordenScore: 19
- 1Adrian NashScore: 18
- 2John MunroScore: 17
- 4Rob BrandScore: 16
- 3Nigel EmsenScore: 14
- 2Mark HargraveScore: 13
- 2Konstantinos MalliarasScore: 13
- 1David FairbrotherScore: 13
- 2Peter ReillyScore: 13
- 1Derek BruceScore: 12
- 2Kostas KonstantoulakisScore: 12
- 1Shirley KingScore: 11
- 2Thodoris GalanisScore: 11
- 1Viktor Neli ovichScore: 10
- 2Tom WordenScore: 10
- 1Simon ElliotScore: 10
- 1Panagiotis PapadopoulosScore: 10
- 2Rob HuttonScore: 10
- 1David GilesScore: 10
- 1GlennScore: 10
- 1Lance FlintScore: 9
- 1Kevan ReedScore: 9
- 1Jonathan BeachScore: 8
- 2Nikolaos RafailidisScore: 8
- 2David urbainScore: 8
- 1William CoughlanScore: 8
- 1Ian CarbuttScore: 7
- 1David IsherwoodScore: 6
- 1Mark SprattScore: 6
- 1Jean-Marie LABARDINScore: 6
- 1Laurent BeelaertsScore: 6
- 1Jeff BarnfieldScore: 5
- 1Olivier LucasScore: 5
- 1Geoff PearsonScore: 5
- 2Yorick WeenenScore: 5
- 1Steve BradleyScore: 5
- 1Sam StreetScore: 4
- 1Rex KingScore: 4
- 2Thomas VandermeerenScore: 4
- 1Jamie MayersScore: 4
- 1Jason HumphreyScore: 4
- 1Chris Revitt??Score: 4
- 1Andy ClaxtonScore: 4
- 1Daniel McLaughlinScore: 3
- 1Nikolaos PanagakisScore: 3
- 2Mat BoothScore: 3
- 1Jeremy Howison-HaworthScore: 3
- 1Jimmy CarterScore: 3
- 1Stephane KugenerScore: 3
- 1Takis KouroupisScore: 3
- 1Simon StokesScore: 2
- 1Rodrigue DuchatelleScore: 2
- 1Steve BlackwellScore: 1
- 1Stuart ThomasScore: 1
- 1Paul O'BrienScore: 1
- 1Marc CARAScore: 1
- 1Neil BrodieScore: 1
- 1Craig DaviesScore: 1
- 1James NashScore: 1
- 1Giorgos DedesScore: 1
Current Competitions
- Northern Crusades 2024Players: 7
- Skull Rollers 2024Players: 28
- Athens 2024Players: 16
- Campaign 2024Players: 24
- Britcon 2024Players: 20
- Acropolis 2024Players: 11
- TTWNN 2024Players: 20
- Attack 2024Players: 16
- REG Britcon 2024Players: 11
- Footsloggers 2024Players: 12
- TOIL 2024Players: 14
- Rueil 2024Players: 20
- Badcon 2024Players: 14
- Ice and Fire 2025Players: 24
- REG SkullRollers 2024Players: 14
- Beachhead 2025Players: 16
- Athens 2024Players: 16
- Kent Clash 2024Players: 14
- Roll Call 2024Players: 8
- BRULIB 2024Players: 17
- Ribble 2024Players: 22
- IWC 2025Players: 20
- Chariots Of Fire 2024Players: 8
- Chaniers 2024Players: 10
- Chariots of Fire 2024Players: 8
- Warfare 2024Players: 12
- Irish Open 2024Players: 4
- Derventio 2024Players: 20
- TTWNN 2024Players: 20
- Havoc 2024Players: 14
Old Competitions
- Cross and Crescent 2021Players: 32
- Ribble RumblePlayers: 22
- Crusades 2023Players: 16
- AsiamaniacsPlayers: 10
- Warfare 2023Players: 33
- Out of the Dark Ages 2019Players: 15
- Brighton et Gloriam 2019Players: 16
- Joueurs de Satrouville 2017Players: 8
- Athens Reckoning 2022Players: 13
- TOIL IVPlayers: 26
- Ice and Fire 2023Players: 34
- SkullRollers 2023Players: 33
- God Wills It 2022Players: 23
- Britcon 2019Players: 22
- Challenge 2017Players: 10
- Derventio 2019Players: 22
- TOIL 2022Players: 24
- Beachhead 2024Players: 22
- PRB2023Players: 18
- Athens 2023Players: 18
- Brighton et Gloriam 2018Players: 14
- REG Britcon 2022Players: 10
- Acropolis 2022Players: 15
- IWC 2024Players: 21
- Britcon 2017Players: 23
- Ribble Rumble 2019Players: 16
- Northern League R1 2023Players: 6
- Meglomaniacs IIIPlayers: 14
- Roll Call 2018Players: 18
- Rueil2022Players: 14
- Joueurs de Saumur 2017Players: 8
- Post Covid CupPlayers: 10
- Rueil 2023Players: 22
- Meglomaniacs II 2018Players: 9
- Tournoi des NerviensPlayers: 10
- Skull Rollers Jamborie 2018Players: 28
- GT 2019Players: 14
- IWC 2020Players: 34
- Beachhead2023Players: 18
- Rumble on the Rhine 2022Players: 20
- RibbleRumble2022Players: 14
- Badcon 2020Players: 12
- Badcon 2018Players: 12
- Britcon 2018Players: 22
- Ribble2021Players: 22
- KentClash 2023Players: 8
- Warfare 2018Players: 20
- Derventio2022Players: 20
- Warfare 2022Players: 18
- Blackburn Batcave Bash 22Players: 10
- Magna7KPlayers: 8
- FootSloggers 2022Players: 17
- IWC2023Players: 20
- Ice and Fire 2024Players: 28
- RollCall 2022Players: 10
- Derventio IVPlayers: 28
- Derventio VIPlayers: 18
- Devizes 2018Players: 14
- Campaign 2017Players: 12
- Oxford 2017Players: 13
- Campaign 2018Players: 18
- BRULIB2023Players: 16
- Warfare 2021Players: 22
- Goedendag 2017Players: 12
- Goedendag 2018Players: 10
- Warfare 2019Players: 20
- Challenge 2018Players: 14
- Battle on the BelisimaPlayers: 16
- BadconREG2023Players: 12
- Derby Worlds 2017Players: 18
- Roll Call 2023Players: 16
- Ice and Fire 2022Players: 30
- Roll Call 2017Players: 16
- Chariots of Fire 2023Players: 6
- Chariots 2022Players: 12
- Oxford Dark Ages 2018Players: 8
- Britcon 2016Players: 16
- Devizes 2022Players: 14
- Campaign2023Players: 30
- Campaign2022Players: 24
- Wolvercote June 2022Players: 8
- OldBoysPlayers: 6
- Skull Rollers LGT 2021Players: 30
- BRUILIB2022Players: 14
- Roll Call 2022Players: 14
- TOIL 2019Players: 20
- IWC2022Players: 16
- Badcon2023Players: 13
- ArMEGedon 2021Players: 24
- IWC2018Players: 12
- Warfare 2017Players: 16
- Skull Rollers Jamborie 2017Players: 18
- Skull Rollers 2019Players: 38
- Reckoning 2021Players: 14
- Badcon 2022Players: 20
- WTF are HorsesPlayers: 8
- Britcon 2023Players: 35
- Silk RoadPlayers: 20
- Britcon 2022Players: 22
- Campaign 2019Players: 18
- Roll Call 2019Players: 24
- Devils Crown 2022Players: 8
- Beachhead 2022Players: 18
- European Championship 202Players: 12
- Derventio 2020Players: 16
- IWC2017Players: 6
- Meglomaniacs 2018Players: 12
- SkullRollers2022Players: 22
- WarfareREG 2021Players: 9
- Derventio 2018Players: 16